Ziggy Lights-On

Icon image for Ziggy Lights-On

A fun and quirky lights-on game. The concept comes from the 'Handlink' used by Al (the hologram) to talk to Ziggy (the computer) in the hit US TV show Quantum Leap. It's a fun simulator for the Handlink, complete with flashing lights, bleepy chirps and whistles, and of course the pained coughing/squawk noise when you give it a good hard bash on the side.

If you ever wondered what Al was doing all that time on the Handlink, then wonder no more. He was - of course - playing Lights-On. The Handlink has twenty-four coloured lights that can be switched on and off by pressing each one. But there's a catch... each time you sucessfully switch on all of the lights you will progress to the next level and connections will start to form between the lights. This means when you press one light, another will change state too. On the early levels this is not too much of a problem but once you get beyond level twenty or so it becomes quite tricky. By the time you get to level fifty it has become very very hard!

If you get completely stuck on a level you can bash the Handlink like Al used to and the connections between the lights will be randomized, giving you a new challenge. If you can get past level 30 you're doing well, level 40 you're doing very well, level 50... well you must be some kind of genius. With 384 levels in total we don't think anyone will get to the end, but if you do then you definitely win!

Available in the iPhone App-Store